Welcome to the Stocksbridge Town Council website

Stocksbridge, a small town located about 10 miles north of Sheffield, lies on the edge of the Pennines and the Peak District National Park. It is home to Liberty Steels, a prominent British manufacturer specializing in aerospace steel products.


Below are contact details for local churches, please contact the
Town Council if your details need updating.

A list of Community Assets has been produced providing information on local Community Groups/Services/Spaces which can be accessed via the following link:-


The HUB Church 512 Manchester Road, Stocksbridge, Sheffield S36 2QU Pastor Julie Pollard, As Group Address 0114 288 5315 admin@thehubchurch.org www.theHUBchurch.org
Bolsterstone Church – St Mary’s Bolsterstone Revd Hilda Isaacson, Bradfield Rectory, High Bradfield, Sheffield S6 6LG 0114 285 1225 Rev.hilda@gmail.com
St Matthias Church Manchester Road, Stocksbridge, Sheffield S36 2DT Revd Hilda Isaacson, Bradfield Rectory, High Bradfield, S6 6LG 0114 285 1225 Rev.hilda@gmail.com
St Ann’s Roman Catholic Church Haywood Lane, Deepcar, Sheffield S36 2QF Father Stan Maciuszek 288 4455, 288 2187
Deepcar St John the Evangelist Church Manchester Road, Deepcar, Sheffield S36 Revd Hilda Isaacson, Bradfield Rectory, High Bradfield, Sheffield S6 6LG 285 1225 Rev.hilda@gmail.com www.saintjohns.co.uk
Christ Church (Methodist/URC) Manchester Road, Stocksbridge S36 1DY Revd Ian Lucraft 0114 234 7153, 07428 744 014 ianlucraft@btinternet.com www.christchurchonline.org
The Salvation Army Victoria Street, Stocksbridge, Sheffield S36 1FY Captain Catherine Dodd, As Group Address 0114 283 0651 Catherine.Dodd@salvationarmy.org.uk www.salvationarmy.org.uk/stocksbridge
Stocksbridge Christian Centre (Methodist/Anglican Church) Cedar Road and Pot House Lane, Stocksbridge Methodist Minister: Revd. James H Grayson, Anglican Minister: Revd. Hilda Isaacson 07780 701116, 0114 285 1225 christiancentrestocksbridge@gmail.com www.stocksbridgechristiancentre.com

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