Welcome to the Stocksbridge Town Council website

Stocksbridge, a small town located about 10 miles north of Sheffield, lies on the edge of the Pennines and the Peak District National Park. It is home to Liberty Steels, a prominent British manufacturer specializing in aerospace steel products.



Please call the Town Council on 0114 288 7895 if you have any queries in respect of the Town Council’s GDPR arrangements.

As you may be aware, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (known as the GDPR came into effect on the 25th May 2018. The introduction of this new legislation is designed to improve the protection of your personal data and increase transparency of how your data is managed. To enable us to meet the requirements of GDPR we have prepared Privacy Notices outlining:-

– how we collect, protect, use and share your personal data

– the legal basis that we rely on to process your data

– what your privacy rights are and how you are able to exercise them

Security Incident Policy – June 2020

Data Protection Policy – May 2018

Privacy Notice – General​

Policy on Rights in Relation to your Data – Employees​

Privacy Notice – Councillors and Role Holders​

Privacy Notice – Job Applicants​


The purpose of this publication scheme is to be a means by which the Council can make a significant amount of information available routinely. The scheme will ensure that the council will publish more information proactively, and help it to develop a greater culture of openness and transparency.

This authority’s key responsibilities are to represent the electorate of its area, to take action within the legal framework and to provide a leadership focus for the community.

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 received Royal Assent on 30th November 2000. It gives a general right of access to all types of recorded information held by public authorities, sets out exemptions from that right and places a number of obligations on public authorities. A ‘public authority’ is defined in the Act, and includes but is not restricted to central and local government, non-departmental public bodies, the police, the National Health Service, and schools, college and universities. Any person who makes a request to a public authority for information must be informed whether the public authority holds that information and, subject to exemptions, supplied with that information.

Individuals already have the right of access to information about themselves under the Data Protection Act 1998. As far as public authorities are concerned, the Freedom of Information Act will extend this right to allow public access to all types of information held.

New legislation came into force in 2008 requiring that Town/Parish Councils adopt a mandatory publication scheme to be operational from 1st January 2009.

Stocksbridge Town Council’s Publication Scheme can be viewed on the following link:-

Publication Scheme – Stocksbridge Town Council

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