Welcome to the Stocksbridge Town Council website

Stocksbridge, a small town located about 10 miles north of Sheffield, lies on the edge of the Pennines and the Peak District National Park. It is home to Liberty Steels, a prominent British manufacturer specializing in aerospace steel products.

Grants and Awards

Each year the Town Council award grants to many projects to assist local groups in the area. Any group which holds a constitution and serves the residents of Stocksbridge, Deepcar and Bolsterstone is eligible to apply for a grant.



Any groups wishing to apply for a grant will need to make reference to the Town Council’s grants policy and complete a grant application form. Both documents can be downloaded via the links below or a copy obtained from the office.

The Town Council also have an arrangement with Sheffield Community Transport to provide a minibus and driver to groups for outings. ​ Groups can apply to the Town Council for a transport grant of up to £300.00 per annum. Once again details of the group, a copy of its constitution and a set of accounts is reqwauired by the Town Council. ​

The Town Council are also part of the Sheffield Lakeland Landscape Partnership Community Grant Scheme. More details about this funding source can be found here

Grant Application Form

Grant Policy and Guidelines​

In 2005 the Town Council launched a Citizens Award Scheme whereby local residents are nominated for their services to the community. Details of recent winners are posted on this site. If you wish to nominate a person/group or see winners from previous years please contact the office.




The Mayor, Cllr. Mark Whittaker presented a certificate and gift voucher to Revd. Ian Lucraft, on of the winners of the Town Council’s Annual Citizens Awards as regocnition for his work in establishing the Food Bank and Social Cafe.


​The Mayor, Cllr. Joe Staniforth presented a certificate and gift voucher to Beryl Sharp, one of the winners of the Town Council’s Annual Citizens Awards as recognition for work with the Stocksbridge and District TARA.


The Mayor, Cllr. Joe Staniforth presented a certificate and gift voucher to members and volunteers at Greave House Farm Trust, one of the winners of the Town Council’s Annual Citizens Awards as regognition for their work supporting people with mental health and other learning disabilities.


The Mayor, Cllr. Joe Staniforth presented a certificate and gift voucher to members and volunteers at Garden Partners, one of the winners of the Town Council’s Annual Citizens Awards as recognition for their valuable work supporting adults with learning disabilities and autism.


Citizens Award – Past Winners

Coronation of King Charles III

Following​ an invitation to the local senior citizens groups/homes and constituted groups in the area to apply to a small pot of funding to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III over the Bank Holiday weekend, the Town Council was pleased to award the following groups towards their events:-

Steel Valley Beacon Arts – £250

Helliwell Court Sheltered Housing – £250

Balfour House Sheltered Housing – £250

Stocksbridge Area Rangers (STAR) – £250

Valley Recreational Community Activity Project – £250

Hazey Days Childminding – £50

Friends of Oxley Park – £250

The Meeting Place – £250

Bolsterstone Village Hall Trust – £200

93rd Stocksbridge Scouts Group – £250

Don Valley Probus – £250

St Ann’s RC School PTA – £250

Inman Pavilion Craft Club – £250

Belmont House Care Home – £250

Stocksbridge Community Care Group Friday Drop In – £250​

Stocksbridge & Upper Don TARA – £250

3rd Stocksbridge Beavers Group – £250

3rd Stocksbridge Cubs Group – £250

Grants awarded during the financial year 2023/2024 are listed below:-

Bracken Moor Sports Club 1500.00
STEP Development Trust 1000.00
Stocksbridge Regeneration Company (Fox Valley) 1000.00
Stocksbridge Community Leisure Centre 1200.00
Steel Valley Project 1000.00
Friends of Fox Glen Park 1000.00
Upper Don Arts Group (UDAC) 500.00
Stocksbridge Cricket Club 1000.00
Steel Valley Beacon Arts 1000.00
Sheffield Lip Reading Group 300.00
Bolsterstone Archaeology Heritage Group 315.00
Parents of Deepcar School (PODs) 300.00
3rd Stocksbridge Scouts Group 300.00
Stocksbridge & Upper Don Tenants & Residents Association (SUDTARA) 170.00
Stocksbridge & Deepcar Royal British Legion 350.00
Smithy Moor Community Association 1000.00

A grant of £1000 was awarded to Smithy Moor Community Association towards replacement of the flooring in Smithy Moor Community Centre which has become worn and not fit for purpose.


A grant of £1000 was awarded to Smithy Moor Community Association towards replacement of the flooring in Smithy Moor Community Centre which has become worn and not fit for purpose.


A grant of £350 was awarded to the Stocksbridge & Deepcar Royal British Legion towards a plaque to commemorate the centenary of the Stocksbridge Memorial Clock Tower.


A grant of £170 was awarded to SUDTARA towards a free pre-Christmas Magic Show and ‘Take-away Tea’ funded by the association, for children in the area.


A grant of £300 was awarded to 3rd Stocksbridge Scouts Group towards a trip to the Yorkshire Air Museum as part of the Scouts Air Skills Badge work.


A grant of £300 was awarded to PODs towards a Children’s Disco to promote social interaction, creativity and physical activity for children in the community.


A grant of £315 was awarded to Bolsterstone Archaeology Heritage Group towards the recording of inscriptions on the gravestones in Bolsterstone Churchyard from 18th century onwards.


A transport grant of £300 was awarded to the Sheffield Lip Reading Group towards the cost of an annual trip to the coast for members/partners to boost their wellbeing, the majority being elderly and alone and unable to go on other trips due to hearing difficulties and lack of confidence to travel.


A grant of £1000 was awarded to Steel Valley Beacon Arts for funding towards staging “A Christmas Carol” musical during November/December.


A grant of £1000 was awarded to Stocksbridge Cricket Club for funding towards a Family Fun Day for the whole community to encourage new and existing members to come together to support the Club.


A grant of £500 was awarded to UDAC towards publicity and marketing materials for the Homegrown Festival in October, celebrating and showcasing the works of local artists.

A grant of £1,000 was awarded to Friends of Fox Glen Park for funding towards the purchase and installation of a toddler frame and play panels in Fox Glen Park.


A grant of £1,000 was awarded to Steel Valley Project for funding towards replacement of the rotting head of the Wantley Dragon sculpture located in Bitholmes Wood.

A grant of £1,200 was awarded to Stocksbridge Community Leisure Centre to enable the extension of the free​ Saturday morning family sessions for a further 6 week period.


A Sponsorship Package of £1,000 was awarded to Stocksbridge Regeneration Company in support of their 5th Anniversary Fox Valley Food Festival.

A grant of £1,000 was awarded to STEP Development Trust for funding towards free Halloween and Christmas events for families within the community.


A grant of £1,500 was awarded to Bracken Moor Sports Club for funding towards a community Family Fun Day for all residents to celebrate our local heritage, culture and local artists.


Grants awarded during the financial year 2022/2023 are listed below:-

Stocksbridge & District History Society 460.00
Upper Don Renewable Energy Ltd 1000.00
Stocksbridge & District Pentaqua Swimming Club 1000.00
Valley Music Festival 850.00
Stocksbridge Photographic Society 500.00
Friends of Oxley Park 2000.00
Upper Don Arts Community 250.00
Stocksbridge 3rd Scouts Group 1000.00
STEP Development Trust 1000.00
Stocksbridge Gymnastics Club 1000.00
Stocksbridge Junior School 300.00
Greave House Farm Trust 300.00
Stocksbridge Food Bank 4,180.00
Monday Art Group Stocksbridge 500.00
Friends of Oxley Park 1000.00
Cornerstone Cafe – Stocksbridge Christian Centre 1000.00
Stocksbridge Christian Centre Lunch Club – transport grant 300.00


A grant transport grant of £300 was awarded to Stocksbridge Christian Centre Lunch Club for assistance with community transport costs for members attending the Lunch Club.

A grant of £1000 was awarded to the Cornerstone Cafe, Stocksbridge Christian Centre for funding towards the running costs of the social cafe.

A grant of £1000 was awarded to Friends of Oxley Park for finding towards a sensory garden in Oxley Park, extending the current path, to enable less able bodied visitors to access the garden and orchard with ease.

A grant of £500 was awarded to the Monday Art Group Stocksbridge towards running costs/watercolour paper/tutor fees, to enable the group to continue to meet socially to improve art skills and help mental wellbeing.

A grant of £4,180 was awarded to Stocksbridge Food Bank towards the purchase of trolleys and crates to move/display food items at the Food Bank in order to enable clients to choose for themselves the items they needed.

A transport grant of £300 was awarded to Greave House Farm Trust to enable trips/visits for anyone involved in the care farm, particularly around Christmas and during the Summer.

A grant of £300 was awarded to Stocksbridge Junior School for funding towards the school’s Christmas parties for each year group.

A grant of £1000 was awarded to Stocksbridge Gymnastics Club towards training qualifications for young leaders and the purchase of a Teamgym trampette.


A grant of £1000 was awarded to STEP Development Trust for assistance towards hosting a wide range of activities/events at The Venue throughout Halloween and Christmas.

A grant of £1000 was awarded to the Stocksbridge 3rd Scouts Group towards refurbishment of the Scout Hut and kitchen facilities.

A grant of £250 was awarded to the Upper Don Arts Community towards their forthcoming launch event in September.


A grant of £2000 was awarded to FRIENDS of Oxley Park towards planting a small orchard behind Stocksbridge Community Leisure Centre with a plaque to commemorate the Queens Platinum Jubilee, to be enjoyed by the whole community


A grant of £500 was awarded to Stocksbridge Photographic Society towards the provision of a programme of speakers for 2022/23


A grant of £850 was awarded to Valley Music Festival towards this year’s planned music events to celebrate and showcase local talent



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